Webinar: Falls Prevention Cohort & Funding Information
Together, we can reduce falls!
Our Healthy Homes Affinity Group initiated a falls prevention data demonstration project to track and improve outcomes for older adults receiving home repairs and modifications. The Coalition recently received funding from Lowe's to support the project, so we're opening it up to all Coalition members.
We're creating a separate Falls Prevention Cohort to support those participating in the data demonstration project. Participants will track modifications made and reductions in falls with a survey tool developed by the Healthy Homes Affinity Group. There are 7 common questions that homeowners will be asked before repairs are made, and again 6 and 12 months after repairs are completed. The Coalition will NOT collect client names or street addresses; only a unique project identifier, county, state, and zip code.
Organizations that commit to collecting and submitting data for at least 15 projects will receive $1,000+ for purchasing materials such as grab bars. This opportunity is available for up to 35 organizations.
We're asking for pre-work survey and repairs to be completed by Dec 31, 6 month survey by June 30, 2023, and 12 month survey by Dec 31, 2023. You could participate through a grab bar blitz - installing only grab bars in 15 homes for older adults or people with disabilities by Dec 31 and tracking the outcomes. If the timeline is too fast for your organization, you could still start collecting data now. It's possible that we'll get more funding in the future - we could still analyze the data whenever you have it and hopefully offer funding later.
Researchers with HomesRenewed Coalition and East Tennessee State University have volunteered to help us analyze the data we collect. We anticipate that our study will result in funding from healthcare systems and insurance providers for nonprofits completing home repairs and modifications for low-income households.
Our Healthy Homes Affinity Group will continue to meet quarterly to discuss related topics such as best practices for partnering with healthcare systems. Its next meeting will be held on July 11; register now. This group requires no commitment; all Coalition members are free to attend if they have interest and availability.
The new Falls Prevention Cohort will meet regularly to check in about the data demonstration project; attendance won't be required. However, participants will be asked to sign an agreement that indicates their commitment to submit data to the Coalition at regular intervals. A Lowe's eGift card will be issued at the time of commitment.
Register now for this free webinar to learn more about the project, cohort, and funding opportunity.
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