Membership Information

You're invited to join the Coalition! We offer a variety of membership options:

Nonprofits, faith communities, and other organizations that provide free or low-cost home repairs/rehab for low and moderate-income households are eligible to be Coalition Members. All employees, board members, and key volunteers associated with the organization are granted access to discounts and resources.  If you are a local government or an organization that does not directly provide repairs/rehab, please join as an Industry Partner below.

Coalition Member

Org Size



General Dues



1 or fewer



$250,000 to $999,999

2 or 3



$1M to $4,999,999

4 to 9


Extra Large

$5M or More

10 or more


Dues depend on the size of your organization.  Benefits include but are not limited to conference discounts, free educational webinars, grant funding, technical assistance, and advocacy support. Learn more about Coalition Member Benefits

Join as Coalition Member

Business Partner

Businesses can support the work of the Coalition and market their products and services to a large network of home repair providers. Business Partners include suppliers of building materials, consultants, software companies, etc. Select the level based on the preferred benefits.

Partner Levels Benefit
$500 Exhibit Table at Conference; listed in members' portal
$750 Same as level above;  featured in conference marketing app, highlighted in e-newsletter
$1500 Same as levels above and host webinar to share service/ products with members

Join as Business Partner

Industry Partner

This category of membership is for local governments and local, regional, and national housing networks that partner with us on advocacy and education initiatives. Industry partners are mission-aligned with the Coalition but don't directly complete home repairs. Nonprofits that repair homes should join as a Coalition Member instead (see above). 


Budget Employees General Dues Benefit
Small <$500,000 1  to 4 $500 Conference discount; free webinars, listed in members' portal
Medium $500,000 to $999,999 5 to 9 $750 Same as level above;  Highlighted in e-newsletter
Large >$1M  10 or more $1500 Same as levels above host a webinar to share activities of your org with members

Annual dues options range from $500 to $1,500 and depend on the size of your organization. Industry Partners receive access to our online resources and member pricing for events but not grant funding; that is only available to Coalition Members. 

Please contact if you'd like to discuss an Industry Partner membership that includes a wholesale discount option for your affiliates/members to join as CHR Members.

Join as Industry Partner

Individual Member

Individual members only apply for one person to receive benefits: reduced fees for conferences and webinars, and networking opportunities. Membership is $100 (or $25 for students).

Join as Individual Member

Coalition Sponsor

Sponsors finally support the work of the Coalition through grants or event sponsorships. Coalition Sponsors such as banks and foundations keep membership dues and educational programs affordable for Coalition Members.

Join as Coalition Sponsor