Housing Policy Resources

Posted By: Emma Carrasco Advocacy Resources,
Federal Level

Date: March 2024

Key Topic: Housing Policy

Type: Bill Summary

Source Credit: U.S. Senate

 One Pager: Whole Home Repairs Act

File Type: PDF

Description: A summarized version of the Whole Home Repairs Act and the anticipated outcomes.

Date: March 2024

Key Topic: Housing Policy

Type: Infographic

Source Credit: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

 Infographic: FY 2025 President's Budget Highlights

File Type: PDF

Description: An infographic that contains HUD Secretary's Budget Priorities and a visual summary of the President's FY2025 Budget Request.

Date: March 2023

Key Topic: Housing Policy

Type: Fact Sheet

Source Credit: Community Development Block Grant Coalition

 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fact Sheet

File Type: PDF

Description: A fact sheet that includes public services expenditure by activity and a Call to Congress to fund at least $4.2 billion for FY2025.

Date: N/A

Key Topic: Older Adults

Type: Data Brief

Source Credit: USAging, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology

 The Role of Area Agencies on Aging in Home Modifications and Repairs

File Type: Web page

Description: A Data Brief of the 2019 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging

State Level

Date: March 2023

Key Topic: Housing Policy

Type: Policy Brief

Source Credit: PA Department of Community & Economic Development, COSCDA

 Presentation: Whole-Home Repairs Program

File Type: Web page

Description: An overview of Pennsylvania's Whole-Home Repairs Program including eligibility criteria, program requirements, and definitions.

Date: November 2017

Key Topic: Housing and Health

Type: Policy Brief

Source Credit: North Carolina Housing Finance Agency

 Urgent Home Repair: Quality of Life and Cost of Impacts

File Type: Web page

Description: Describes the individual and statewide impacts of the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency's Urgent Repair Program.

Local Level 

Date: May 2022

Key Topic: Collective Impact

Type: Policy Brief

Source Credit: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Orange County, North Carolina

 Sustaining Collective Impact: Recommendations for the Orange County Home Preservation Coalition

File Type: Web page, PDF

Description: Describes the collective impact model and how it can provide a structure and best practices.

Date: November 2017

Key Topic: Housing and Health

Type: Policy Brief

Source Credit: North Carolina Housing Finance Agency

 Urgent Home Repair: Quality of Life and Cost of Impacts

File Type: Web page

Description: Describes the individual and statewide impacts of the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency's Urgent Repair Program.