Advocacy Results in $1M for Repairs!

Posted By: Becca Davis News,

Our Advocacy Task Force recently conducted an advocacy campaign that resulted in $1 million for accessibility and emergency repairs for low-income special needs and elderly homeowners in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio.

The Cincinnati Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) usually offers $2 million for home repairs through the Carol M. Peterson Housing Fund (CMPHF). There has been a lower demand for the bank's services this year, which resulted in reduced earnings. Because of this, the bank was considering not funding CMPHF this year. When the Coalition for Home Repair learned of this, we acted quickly. Eleven Coalition Members and friends signed on to a letter (below) advocating for the funds.

We coordinated with two people on the bank’s advisory council who spoke to board members about the importance of the fund. As a result of our letter and passionate pleas, the bank’s board voted to fund the CMPHF for $1 million! One of the advocates who was part of the meeting said, “I truly think that if we had not spoken up, this program would have been at $0 this year.” We will advocate for the fund return to $2 million next year.

CMPHF was available for reservation on a first-come, first serve homeowner-by-homeowner basis for Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio beginning on June 1, 2021 at 10am EDT. Learn more.

Please notify us if you become aware of other opportunities for us to advocate for more funding or better policies related to home repair.