Announcement from Executive Director

Posted By: Becca Davis News,

At ReFrame Conference this morning, I shared some big news.

I will be stepping down as the Coalition’s Executive Director in a few months; this will be the last ReFrame Conference that I lead. I am still as passionate about housing preservation as ever. However, the time has come for me to seek a new adventure. 

My skills have served us well for a decade. I’m so proud of everything we’ve accomplished together since our first conference 11 years ago, and can’t wait to see how the organization will grow in its second decade.

Yesterday, our Board of Directors approved an ambitious 10-year strategic plan. It will make a significant impact on home repair organizations and homeowners in need of home repairs. The future is bright! A new leader will bring different skills, connections, and ideas that will make it possible to achieve these new strategic goals.

Our board is establishing a Search Committee to select the Coalition's next Executive Director (the application deadline was December 23). I hope to be able to overlap with the new hire for a month or two, and conclude my time as Executive Director by the end of March. 

I have never left a job without having another one lined up, but am taking this risk in order to give our Board of Directors time to find a great replacement, and also so that I can be transparent about my job hunt. 

I have become passionate about improving efficiency and effectiveness in nonprofits through technology. I am a Certified Salesforce Administrator and Certified Business Analyst, and am experienced with Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud. I hope to find a job at a large nonprofit or with a consulting firm that serves nonprofits so that I can pair my Salesforce skills with my love of supporting nonprofits.

Thank you for all of the ways that you’ve cared for me over the years. It’s your friendship that I will miss the most. I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn

Together in Service, 

Becca Davis
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Coalition for Home Repair