ReFrame Conference 2021: Best Practices in Stewardship of Volunteers

Posted By: Adrienne Osborne (deleted) Video Library,

The finalists for the Best Practices in Home Repairs award will share how they provide exceptional hospitality and unique ways of interacting with volunteers/campers before, during and after their home repair service experience.

Megan Taylor will talk about how Sierra Service Project shifted the work of their weekly retired skilled volunteers. They used to repair tools and vehicles but now complete home repair projects, along with staff. This has rebuilt camaraderie and connection after being isolated during the beginning of the pandemic.

Stephanie Broersma will share how MCC SWAP prepares camp-model volunteers for working in another culture, and how they help them view service as relationship-building and an opportunity for mutual learning. She'll explain how a "Letter to Self" written by volunteers at the end of the week helps them to reflect and be more likely to return.

Bob Beggs will talk about how Good Works has virtually eliminated uncomfortable conversations regarding volunteers' comfort levels with physical distancing during the pandemic. In addition to explaining how the color coded wrist band system has made things easier, he'll share about the organizations other best practices for volunteer stewardship.

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