Speakers Needed: Share Your Expertise at ReFrame Conference

Posted By: Megan Goyer News,

Fourteen years ago, the Coalition began as a regional conference hosted by home repair nonprofits for home repair nonprofits. Today, we're more dedicated than ever to supporting and promoting the importance of home repair as a tool for affordable housing. 

Coalition members have contributed their expertise to every ReFrame Conference in many different ways: as volunteers to help staff the conference in its earlier days, as session speakers, as Conference Planning Committee members, as supporters getting the word out, and of course, as attendees!

Although this year will be our first convening in Detroit, the goals of the conference remain the same. We're looking for Coalition members, home repair advocates, nonprofit professionals, and more to contribute their knowledge, wisdom, and experience by leading a conference session or serving on a panel!

During our last Executive Survey, Coalition members reported the following as areas of need:

  • Retaining and recruiting skilled volunteers
    • Do you offer your volunteers training opportunities throughout the year?
    • Does your organization operate a handyman club?
    • How do you onboard new skilled volunteers?
  • Working with licensed contractors
    • Does your organization have strong relationships with local contractors?
    • How do you recruit contractors to support your home repair program?
    • Rural perspective on bid requirements for grant compliance
  • Additional varied topics within construction
    • Mobile home repair
    • Finding and retaining skilled construction staff
    • Managing and maintaining tools & trailers
  • Finding funding opportunities in rural communities
    • Does your organization have experience utilizing USDA Section 504 or 533?
    • Does your organization tap into a creative or under-utilized funding source?
  • Engaging in advocacy and partnerships
    • What are some ways that you have shared about your impact in the communities you serve?
    • How have your partnerships helped elevate your organizational footprint and advance your mission?

These topics & questions are by no means a comprehensive list, but rather a starting point to think about the expertise your organization has that could help lift up another Coalition member.

If any of these sound like you, let’s talk! Whether you can lead a session, co-lead, or be a panelist, we welcome you to share your insight with peers. The collaborative nature of our conference has always set ReFrame apart, and we couldn’t do it without our Coalition members who do this work every day.

Learn more about the speaker inquiry process here. The deadline to submit a speaker form is Friday, July 5th.

Reach out to Megan at megan@coalitionforhomerepair.org or submit a session now! Speakers receive a 50% discount on conference registration. Learn more about this year's tracks.

Call for Speakers Form