June is National Homeownership Month

Posted By: Melanie Campbell News,

June is National Homeownership Month. 

Coalition for Home Repair Members are making strides to preserve affordable housing stock nationwide. 

Let's explore impact by the numbers:

  • 60,043 homes repaired

  • 399,139 volunteers engaged in community services

  • 135,417 residents now live in safer homes, including 72,412 older adults, 4,527 veterans, 12,898 children, and 24,280 people with disabilities.

As Coalition members, home repair nonprofits invest in training and innovative solutions that benefit local communities long-term. While every community has unique needs, members collectively tackle significant issues like aging in place, preservation of affordable housing, basic health principles, preserving generational wealth, and more. 

In the 2017 American Housing Survey, sent to over 80,000 units across the country, we found that more than one-third, or 35.8 percent, of households nationwide reported at least one housing problem. With 100+ members across the country, Coalition members are preserving affordable housing stock by ensuring homes are safer and healthier. 

The Coalition helps home repair nonprofits achieve their goals by securing direct resources, funding professional development and certifications, and highlighting national trends. Learn more about membership or schedule a discovery call with staff to see if membership is a fit.